Alumni Profiles

Alumni Association - Celebrating our Alumni 

May 24, 2024

Suzanna H. Bachman

Suzanna H. Bachman

Suzanna H. Bachman states the following:

"For over 5 years, I had been working with Temple College as an Enrollment Coordinator. It was instinct to naturally advise students to transfer to TAMUCT, a partner University, due to the amazing benefits, education, location, and cost. Through that transfer partnership, I learned more and more about TAMUCT and with the help of a fellow colleague, applied to pursue graduate school. It had been 10 years since completing my undergraduate degree and my first paper showed it. Yikes! With the help of great professors and extreme dedication to my studies, I completed the Master of Higher Ed Leadership degree in the accelerated 1-year track. I thank the instructors and institution for the experience and knowledge I gained, even during my last semester as Covid shifted our learning a bit. Soon after earning my degree, I became the Director of Advising for TC and for the last year have now been the Temple College Registrar."

"I use my first-Generation undergrad experiences to motivate my own studies and in my current responsibilities, to help students navigate the Admission onboarding process. I strive to support students, even if it's by saying that 1:00 am can be an acceptable bedtime sometimes to achieve that 4.0 GPA, as I did. I encourage active learning with my students and staff, display empathy since we are not always perfect, and help students advocate for themselves to achieve the greatness they have the potential to achieve."

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