Alumni Profiles

Alumni Association - Celebrating our Alumni 

May 24, 2024

Shehryar Iqbal

Shehryar Iqbal

  • What is your current role or if retired, what was your previous role?
  • "As the founder and CEO of Techmate Technologies, my primary role revolves around overseeing all aspects of the project lifecycle within the company. I am responsible for ensuring that our team delivers high-quality work and that our clients are satisfied with the services we provide. From project inception to completion, I guide and lead our team to meet our goals and exceed client expectations."

  • What is something about you others would be interested to know?
  • "Something that others might find interesting about me is that I am deeply involved in charity work. I've initiated projects aimed at assisting people from all walks of life, with a particular focus on ensuring that no one is left behind. My activities often revolve around attending charity events and dedicating my time and resources to making a positive impact in communities around the world."
  • What does A&M-Central Texas mean to you?
  • "Texas A&M - Central Texas holds a very special place in my heart. It's more than just an institution; it's been a catalyst for personal and professional growth. As a student and later as a professional working within its walls, Texas A&M-Central Texas, instilled in me the courage and confidence to pursue my dreams and take risks. It's a place where opportunities abound, and I'm grateful for the invaluable experiences and lessons I've gained here. Texas A&M-Central Texas has not only equipped me with knowledge but also with the determination to go out into the world and conquer challenges head-on.”
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