Child Welfare Training Title IV-E Program Overview

Child Welfare Training Title IV-E Program

The A&M-Central Texas Department of Social Work uses its participation in the Title IV-E program to enhance and build our students' educations. The Social Work Department's partnership with CPS prepares students with valuable real-world experience in the child welfare community.

The current child welfare reform initiative mandated by the Texas State Governor and Legislature has identified the need for educating and retaining qualified social workers, as an important and essential component for the best outcomes of the children and families of Texas. The Region 7 Division of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Service, along with the Department of Child Protective Services (TXDFPS/CPS) has accepted the challenge of creating a viable, retainable workforce by creating a partnership with the College of Arts and Science, and the Social Work Faculty, at Texas A&M University-Central Texas.

Texas A&M University-Central Texas Department of Social Work views this as an opportunity to further enhance and build upon our student’s education through participation in the Child Welfare Education Title IV-E Program. This partnership with CPS will enhance the skills of students that want to explore and gain experience in the child welfare community.

TAMUCT receives funding for four (4) $6000.00 Title IV-Educational student stipends per year. Stipends are preferably distributed in the following way to qualified students wishing to apply for the program; one (1) stipend in the fall; two (2) stipends in the spring; and one (1) stipend in the summer. Acceptance of stipend funds by a student requires an eight-month work contractual obligation by the student with TXDFPS immediately after graduation from the BSW program. Graduate will work in a full time Title IV-E funded position for 8 months.

Cut off dates for applications to Title IV-E are:

  • Fall semester – February 15
  • Spring semester – September 15
  • Summer semester – November 15

*Late applications can be accepted if all the background checks can be completed prior to the first week of field for the student with approval from CPS.

Student Application Requirements

  • Grade point average of 2.5 or more
  • Students must be Social Work Majors to apply
  • Must have completed prerequisite course, SOWK 431-110, Child Welfare
  • Students then begin the Title IV-E selection process including the Rubric for Professional Behaviors with the faculty, to assess the student’s appropriateness for the field program.
  • Attend a General Title IV-E field orientation, complete, University Title IV-E Student Packet Application, along with TXDFPS required forms; volunteer application, background check authorization, volunteer program work rules acknowledgement, standards of behavior and performance acknowledgement, volunteer confidentiality statement, information security agreement, consent for CPS to obtain student driving records, and TB test.
  • Students need to provide a written essay based on the Title IV-E Program questionnaire, a reference letter from a member of the faculty, a valid Texas Drivers License, and updated resume’. If students need any assistance on completing any of the required documents they should contact, the TAMUCT Writing Center at
  • All potential IV-E student packets submitted are reviewed with the student for any mistakes or omission of information.
  • Selected student’s packet then are sent to TXDFPS for review by the CPS University Liaison.
  • Student will proceed with completing and employment profile on the DFPS website and make application for a CPS position within the Region.
  • DFPS will determine the final selection of the Student Recipient and will notify TAMUCT.
  • Stipend amount will be processed for disbursement after the student has completed 10 business days in their field placement.

For Title IV-E information, contact: