Sara Harris Baker Profile

Dr. Sara Harris Baker
- College of Arts & Sciences
- Department: Humanities
- Program Liaison for the Bachelor of Music partnership with Temple College
- Dean of Fine Arts and Director of Choral Activities at Temple College
- Email:
Dr. Sara Harris Baker holds a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from Southwestern University, a Master of Music Education from Boston University, and Ph.D. in Music Education from Louisiana State University. She currently serves as Dean of Fine Arts and Director of Choral Activities at Temple College as well as Program Liaison for the Bachelor of Music partnership with Texas A&M - Central Texas. Her teaching areas of expertise are choral music, elementary music, music entrepreneurship, and training pre-service music educators. Dr. Baker holds extensive performing credits in musical theatre, opera, and oratorio. Some of her favorite roles include The Queen of the Night in Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Lauretta in Gianni Schicchi, The Witch in Into the Woods, and Clara in the TEXAS Musical Drama.