Christine Jones Profile

Dr. Christine Jones
- Department: Social Sciences
- Associate Professor of Anthropology
- Room: HH-204c
Dr. Christine Jones is an Associate Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Social Sciences at Texas A&M University-Central Texas. Dr. Jones received her PhD in anthropology from Texas A&M University. Dr. Jones is the primary instructor for the anthropology program and incorporates high impact practices using experiential learning including interactive outdoor workshops and laboratory activities for her students.
Aside from existing research in paleopathology, her most current research within forensic anthropology focuses on using actualistic studies to develop an accurate taphonomic profile of the corrosive effects of acid on human dentition. Dr. Jones also has peer-reviewed publications and presentations, as well as grants, based on active learning and pedagogy in anthropology, specifically using experimental archaeology methods in the archaeology classroom, and simulated crime scenes in her forensic anthropology courses. Dr. Jones teaches courses in biological anthropology, bioarchaeology, and human osteology, and regularly develops new courses for undergraduate students in anthropology such as the Anthropology of Food, Anthropology of the Supernatural, and Wicca and Neo-paganism.