Lucas Loafman profile

Dr. Lucas Loafman
- Interim Dean of the College of Business Administration
Management & Marketing
College of Business Administration | Professor - Room: FH-217R
Professor Loafman graduated with a BBA in Management from Abilene Christian University and a Doctor of Jurisprudence and Master of Business Administration from Texas Tech University. He is finishing his twentieth year in higher education and seventeenth at Texas A&M University-Central Texas, where he serves as Interim Dean for the College of Business Administration and a tenured Professor of Management. He has served almost ten years in various administrative roles, including Chair of the Management and Marketing Department, Associate Dean, and twice as Interim Dean for COBA. He has nine peer-reviewed journal articles in print, including two in the American Business Law Journal (ABLJ) and one in the Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy. He is a past President of the Employment Law Section of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business and active in community service, having served on the Board of Directors of the Killeen ISD Education Foundation, Bell County Sportsman's Club, Slice of Heaven Educational Farm, and was the Merit Badge Coordinator for the Chisholm Trail District of the Boy Scouts of America.
Areas of Professional Expertise: General Business Law, Employment Law, Constitutional Law, Solving Complex Organizational Problems.