Piyush Vyas Profile

Dr. Piyush Vyas
- Subhani Department of Computer Information Systems
- Assistant Professor
- Email: piyush.vyas@tamuct.edu
- Room: FH-323G
Dr. Piyush Vyas is working as a tenure track Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems at Texas A&M University-Central Texas USA. He received the Ph.D. and MS degrees in Information Systems from Dakota State University, Madison, SD, USA, in 2022 and 2020, respectively. He received a Master of Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology from State Technical University Bhopal India in 2012 and 2009, respectively. His current research interests include cyber security, text mining, association rule mining, Traditional and Online machine learning, transfer learning, deep learning, and data mining in the domain of eCommerce, social media, microblogging, healthcare, medical imaging, the dark web, and AI. He has published his articles in IEEE Access, Journal of Computer Information Systems, International Journal of Information Security and Privacy, IEEE Transactions of Technology and Society, Issues of Information Systems, IGI Global, AIS-AMCIS, AIS-MWAIS, DSI, and IEEE conferences. He has received the best research paper award for AMCIS 2021. He has reviewed articles at high-impact venues like IEEE Access, IEEE Wireless Communication, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, AMCIS, HICSS, MWAIS, and IACIS. His teaching interests are machine learning, data communications, computer networks, business analytics, system analysis and design, management information systems, and database management systems.
More details about Dr. Vyas’ current teaching, research, and service accomplishments are available here: Dr. Vyas' CV.