Daniel Clark Profile

Daniel Clark, Ph.D.
- Associate Professor, Psychology
- Department of Counseling and Psychology
- College of Education and Human Development
- Email: daniel-clark@tamuct.edu
- Office/Room: WH-318I
- Phone: 254.519.5431
Curriculum Vitae
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I like to think of myself as a researcher-practitioner. I love to teach and see much of my research as another way to improve the teaching of myself and others. The majority of my research involves psychological mechanisms and interventions that are relevant to teaching and learning (including memory), predominantly from a cognitive perspective.
As such, an intervention which has been found to be effective for students in enhancing long-term memory is using retrieval as a learning technique. I have also studied other psychological factors that might affect one’s usage and the efficacy of retrieval and other effective learning techniques. Relevant concepts I have researched in this area include extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, test anxiety, test type, and other demographic factors such as age.
On the teaching side, I am also interested in interventions that may be effective as teaching tools in the classroom. In particular, interventions that may improve and enhance undergraduate students’ knowledge and skill in writing and statistics.
Finally, I am currently studying the psychological factors which may affect veterans in a college classroom. The goal of this endeavor is to be able to create interventions to inform both instructors who may be teaching veterans as well as veterans who are transitioning to college of important factors that could affect their development as students.
Selected Publications
Clark, D.A., Crandall, J.R., & Robinson, D.H. (2018). Incentives and test anxiety may moderate the effect of retrieval on learning. Learning & Individual Differences. 63, 70-77. DOI: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii
Clark, D.A., Svinicki, M. (2015). The effect of retrieval on post-task enjoyment of studying. Educational Psychology Review. DOI: 10.1007/s10648-014-9272-4
Clark, D. A. (2018) Learning techniques of nontraditional undergraduates: The effect of age, test type, and study time. Memory. In Revision.
Clark, D. A., & Murphy, W. (2018). The efficacy of a classroom game for teaching apa style citation. Teaching of Psychology. Currently under review.