Center for Faculty Engagement
Feel free to schedule time with us for support. Where is the Center? Founder's Hall, Room 403. Reach out at facultyengagement@tamuct.eduThe Center for Faculty Engagement promotes a holistic conceptualization of faculty work that integrates teaching, research, and service. We support faculty excellence and engagement through high-impact practices (HIPs), the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), and evidence-based teaching that fosters student success.
A Canvas Community is also maintained for the most current information on faculty development.

Services and Programs
- Resources and evidence-based practices related to engaged and integrative practices.
- Collaborate to support your teaching and the success of your students.
- Oversight and facilitation of ACUE Effective Teaching Practices Framework courses.
- High-Impact Practices (HIPs) & Student Success Faculty Fellowship Program and Support of High-Impact Practices.
- Administrative support for Collaboratory and our Community partner network.
- Support for faculty review processes.
- Support for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).
University Library - Resources
Please note that the University Library has a one-stop shop of faculty-oriented tutorials to support teaching/student learning in your courses!
Videos or web tutorials can be assigned to increase students' background knowledge about research, writing, etc.

Director and Staff
Dr. Lisa Bunkowski - Director, Center for Faculty Engagement, College of Education and Human Development Associate Professor, Higher Ed. Leadership
Office/Room: FH-424B
Jason Douglas - Administrative Coordinator
Contact Us
- Email:
- Location: Founders Hall, FH 403
- Mon - Friday 8 am - 5 pm