International Travel & Export Control

Travel Warnings Information

View Travel Warnings

International Travel

All university employees who are traveling internationally and either bringing university equipment or representing the university (e.g., presenting at a conference or meeting with foreign persons or companies) must complete the Export Control Checklist form below and submit it to the Empowered Official by the relevant date shown on the form. There is a guidance document in the Division of Research and Innovation's Canvas Community page (under the Export Control module) that provides help for completing the form. Students who travel representing the university, such as for Study Abroad, have a different set of requirements, as outlined in the student travel procedures document (available through the Student Affairs Office). Those traveling internationally but not bringing university equipment or representing the university (e.g., on vacation), are requested to complete the International Travel Form (Vacation Only) form, which makes it easier for the university and system to provide assistance if an emergency situation arises in the country you’ve traveled to.

The Export Control Manual contains additional information about export control requirements for international travel. If you have any questions about international travel for the university, please contact the Empowered Official, Walter Murphy, Email:

Export Control

  • Export Control Manual
  • Export Control Checklist
    For help filling out the Export Control Checklist, see the document labeled "Guidance for Completing the Export Control Checklist (A&M Central Texas)" in the Office of Research Canvas Community, under the Export Control module. You can also contact Walter Murphy at
  • Export Control Review of Purchases
    Use this dynamic form to request an export control review for purchases, making sure to complete all parts before submitting. The form is also available in Warrior Web in the Administrative Toolkit. For any questions, contact the Empowered Official (Walter Murphy) at

International Travel Forms

Difficulty downloading forms?

Please use either Internet Explorer or Safari to access fillable forms.  If accessing these forms using Firefox and Chrome, please "right click" (PC) or "Ctrl-click" (Mac) to save the document to your computer first, and then open the form from the saved location.  Adjusting browser settings to open PDF documents in Adobe rather than a web browser may also resolve the issue.

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