Academic Integrity

Texas A&M University-Central Texas expects its students and faculty to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct to preserve the honor and integrity of the creative community. Students' responsibilities include, but are not limited to, maintaining integrity in their own academic work; reporting incidents of academic dishonesty to the faculty member involved; learning about the general principles of academic integrity as well as those that pertain to particular disciplines and courses; and promoting academic integrity.

Maintaining Your Academic Integrity Online


Community Incident Referral

What is Academic Integrity?

At A&M-Central Texas we are committed to academic excellence. Academic integrity is defined by the commitment of our students, faculty, and staff to the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility (The Center for Academic Integrity, 1999).

What it isn't…

Academic dishonesty is defined as cheating, plagiarism, and collusion. For specific definition of each, refer to the Code of Academic Honesty to the right.

Plagiarism is... taking another person's work without giving appropriate credit.

Cheating is... intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials or technological devices in any academic work. Cheating may also include anything or anyone that gives students assistance without prior approval by your instructor.

Collusion is... unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work in any academic setting.

Ways to Uphold Academic Integrity

  1. Just because your instructor didn't say something was prohibited, doesn't mean you can do it. Our expectations are that students come prepared with an understanding of academic integrity basics. For example:
    • You are always required to cite your sources
    • You must complete your work independently (unless you are told you can work as part of a group). Collaboration is great and so are study groups; however, unless allowed by your instructor, you must turn in independent work
  2. Understand what the different types of academic misconduct are. Every student should know what the differences are between plagiarism, cheating, and collusion. Students should also know the rest of the Code of Academic Integrity.
  3. Don't wait until the last minute to do an assignment. Many times students will feel a sense of desperation when a deadline is looming and they have yet to complete the assignment.
  4. Communicate with your instructor. We are here to support students and help guide you through your education. We cannot help if you don't communicate.
  5. Don't turn in already graded assignments from other classes. Yes, you can plagiarize yourself!
  6. Use only the materials or sources your instructor approves

Student Conduct Resources

Faculty Resources

Texas A&M University-Central Texas expects its students and faculty to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct to preserve the honor and integrity of the creative community.
If a faculty member or instructor suspects that a student has violated the Code of Academic Integrity, a report should be made to the Office of Student Conduct. Reporting an alleged violation of the Code of Academic Integrity allows us to track for repeat violations. It is possible that if a student violated the Code of Academic Integrity in your class, that the student has done it in another class.


Ten Principles of Academic Integrity 

Recommended Syllabus Statement 

Evidence and Level of Proof

The standard of proof that A&M University – Central Texas uses is a "preponderance of the evidence" or 51%. It is not sufficient to say that you are "certain" a violation occurred, but are not able to provide any proof.
Evidence can be any of the following:

  • Copies of the coursework involved
  • reports
  • The syllabus for the class: Each instructor should include the academic integrity statement in the syllabus at the beginning of each class
  • Email or other forms of written communication between the student and the instructor

If you have any questions what constitutes evidence or about the process, please contact us.