Ryan Khamkongsay, Director of Institutional Research and Assessment
Ryan Khamkongsay
Director of Institutional research and Assessment
“After high school I joined the army. I was active duty for two years, then I did National Guard for six years… Since undergrad I’ve been doing research, for the last 10-12 years… I worked in mostly the private sector my first few years and it wasn’t really fulfilling so I switched gears a little bit and went into nonprofit research. I got a job at Asian Americans Advancing Justice in LA… They do a lot of litigation cases and a lot of work with helping the local Asian and Pacific Islander communities in terms of translation, getting citizenship, immigration issues, it runs the gamut… That kind of led me to work in a college setting.”
Dr. Linh Pham, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Science and Mathematics Department
Dr. Linh Pham
Associate Professor of Chemistry, Science and Mathematics Department
"I joined A&M-Central Texas in 2015 and I have been teaching chemistry, biology and biochemistry courses. I love the winter weather here in Texas, not the summer weather, because it is very similar to my hometown. I think Texas has delicious food. And the hospitality has made me enjoy my time here."