Disruptive Individual on Campus
Who is a disruptive individual?
- An individual who makes threats of physical harm to you, others, or themselves.
- An individual who has a weapon. Refer to armed subjects protocol.
- An individual who behaves in a bizarre manner or exhibits unstable behavior patterns.
- The individual who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance.
What action should I take?
- Contact law enforcement at 911 or the Department of Public Safety.
- Give your name and campus location with a brief explanation of the situation.
- Take note of the individual's age, personal appearance, clothing, vehicle or any other information that would help identify the individual.
Express your authority with non-verbal cues
- Sit or stand erect.
- Square your shoulders.
- Smile and make eye contact.
- Speak clearly and distinctly.
- Maintain a constant voice volume, but not too loud.
Cues to avoid
- Do not touch your face.
- Observe the individual's personal space and do not stand too close.
- Do not touch the person.
- Do not slouch, glare or sigh at the individual.
Anger management tactics
- Get their attention: Use their name, ask them to sit down.
- Acknowledge their feelings: Paraphrase what they say so they will know you are listening.
- Get them moving: Offer a chair, move them to a private area if possible.
- Offer assistance: Use the word "we" to include them in the solution process.
- Tell them exactly what you can do for them and when.
- Offer an alternative if appropriate.
- Advise co-workers of the potential problem if possible.
- Call for aid immediately if you sense the situation is getting out of hand.