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Pregnant & Parenting Students

Pregnant & Parenting Students

Request Pregnancy/Parenting Support

A&M-Central Texas is committed to creating a learning environment that is accessible to pregnant and parenting students. Title IX prohibits discrimination based on sex, including pregnancy and sex-based harassment, in employment, educational programs, and activities. This includes harassment and discrimination against a student based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or lactation, as well as any related medical conditions or recovery therefrom.

We will provide reasonable accommodations and supportive measures due to pregnancy and/or related conditions. The University will allow access, on a voluntary basis, to any separate and comparable portion of a program or activity. The University will also allow a voluntary leave of absence, ensure the availability of lactation space, and maintain grievance procedures to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of sex discrimination.

Title IX mandates that universities (1) offer supportive measures to students are who pregnant or have related conditions and (2) allow students who are pregnant to return to their same academic and extracurricular status as before their pregnancy.

Notice of Non-Discrimination 2024-2025

Texas A&M University-Central Texas is committed to providing a safe and nondiscriminatory learning, living, and working environments for all members of the University community.

Notice of Non-Discrimination 2024-2025 (PDF)

Student Parent Liaison

The Student Parent Liaison is a staff member in the Division of Student Affairs who is responsible for providing current and incoming parenting students with information regarding supportive measures and other resources available to parenting students at the university.

Student Parent Liaison

  • Dr. Paul York
  • Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Deputy Title IX Coordinator
  • Warrior Hall, Room 105
  • 254-501-5909
  • studentaffairs@tamuct.edu

Accommodations and Supportive Measures

Academic Accommodations and supportive measures provided:

The following is a non-exhaustive list of reasonable accommodations and supportive measures provided under Title IX:

  • Excused absences and medical leave that are deemed medically necessary for pregnancy or related conditions. The Division of Student Affairs will work with both the student and the student’s instructors to create a plan for completion of course work and continuation of the student’s education. Individual plans may be adjusted as circumstances change.
  • Opportunity to make up any work missed due to medically necessary absences for pregnancy
  • Breaks during class to attend to health needs or express breastmilk
  • Accessible to online resources
  • Changes in schedule or course sequence
  • Counseling
  • Reasonable adjustments to an education program or activity which include, but are not limited to:
    • Accessible seating
    • Appropriate restroom breaks


A student seeking accommodations or supportive measures, adjustments, or requesting excused absences related to pregnancy will need to provide official documentation from the student’s physician/medical provider. This letter must include dates for excused absences and a statement that absences are deemed medically necessary and/or other information to support the need for adjustment or accommodations.

Documentation may be provided here: Submit Documentation Online

Documentation may also be submitted in-person to Student Affairs, WH 105.


TAMUCT will allow reasonable breaks to students and employees for lactation. TAMUCT will ensure the availability of a clean, private, non-bathroom, space for lactation that is shielded from view and free from the intrusion of others. Discrimination based on lactation or related medical conditions is prohibited.

Lactation Rooms On-Campus

Building and Room Number Availability Amenities and Access
Warrior Hall, Room 106 Sun - Sat
WH 106 is a designated lactation room equipped with comfortable chairs, a flat surface table, electrical outlets, a sink, soap and hand towel dispenser, a changing station, a shared refrigerator, and a larger trash disposal unit. For more information, please contact Dr. Paul York at (254) 501-5909 or call Student Affairs at (254) 501-5909.

State Resources

Early Childhood Texas
Resources and Support for you and your children as they grow and develop. Contact: info@earlychildhood.texas.gov

Texas Health & Human Services
Texas Health & Human Services — which includes the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and the Texas Department of State Health Services — has hundreds of programs and services that help more than 7.5 million Texans a month live better lives, and it is a strong foundation of dedicated people who make it happen every day.

Your Texas Benefits

  • SNAP Food Benefits: Helps families for good health.
  • TANF Cash Help: Helps families with children age 18 and under for basic needs.
  • Health Care: Helps cover visits to doctors, dentists, and hospitals. Also covers medicines ordered by doctors and dentists.
  • Support Services: Helps people with daily living needs, caregivers, and people with mental health, drug, or alcohol concerns.
  • WIC Food Benefits: Helps pregnant, breastfeeding women and families with children younger than 5 buy healthy foods.
  • Texas Workforce Commission (Child Care & Early Learning Program): The Child Care Services (CCS) program provides scholarships for child care. Child care scholarships are available to help parents work, search for work, or attend school or job training. The CCS program works to inform parents about the availability and benefits of high-quality child care. CCS supports child care providers improve the quality of services through the Texas Rising Star program. CCS supports and encourages child care programs to expand through the Pre-K Partnership program. Telephone: 800.628.5115
  • Healthy Texas Women: From annual exams and family planning to disease screenings and treatments, we’ve made it easier to find the women’s healthcare services you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many questions asked by pregnant and parenting students have very nuanced answers and cannot be posted in a FAQ section of a website. Students whose questions are not answered by these FAQs are encouraged to reach out to the Division of Student Affairs and the Deputy Title IX Coordinator or other resources listed below.

Academic Concerns

What if I need to miss class or cannot meet assignment deadlines due to pregnancy complications
or delivery?
What happens to my full-time student status if I cannot attend class regularly during a semester?
Does the University provide me with special accommodations due to pregnancy?
What if I need to take an incomplete in a class?

Financial Concerns

What happens to my financial aid or scholarship if I cannot attend class regularly during
a semester or if I take a semester off?

Childcare Concerns

What childcare options are available in the community?
Is there financial assistance to pay for childcare?
What if I need to miss a class or cannot complete an assignment due to my child’s illness?

Harassment Concerns

Harassment Concerns?

Additional Resources and Information

Students who believe they have experienced discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment/sex-based misconduct, and/or related retaliation are encouraged to contact the
Title IX Office: titleix@tamuct.edu, (254) 519-5716.

Students may also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education Building, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-1100 or fax a complaint to (202) 453-6012.

Learn more about Title IX at Texas A&M University-Central Texas and the Office of Institutional Compliance.