Military & Veteran Services: Get Started!

Education Benefits for Military-Affiliated Students

The Ted and Diane Connel Center of Military and Veteran Services offers assistance in learning about your military-affiliated educational benefits. The Military and Veteran Services Center processes federal and state benefits.

Review the types of tuition assistance that might be available to you.

  • Federal Benefits Checklist, for federal education benefits and tuition assistance
  • Texas Benefits Checklist, Hazlewood, state of Texas benefits and tuition assistance
Federal Education Benefits Checklist for Military-affiliated Students

Federal Benefits

Texas, Hazlewood Education Benefits Checklist for Military-affiliated Students

Texas Benefits, Hazlewood

Schedule an appointment, talk with a Military and Veteran's Services Center representative.

Federal Education Benefits

Download the Federal Benefits Checklist below and read about the different types of federal tuition assistance that might be available to you.

Federal Benefits Checklist, PDF Download

Federal Military-Affiliated Education Benefit type explanations:

State of Texas Hazlewood Benefits

Download the State, Hazlewood Benefits Checklist below and read about the different types of state tuition assistance that might be available to you.

The Texas Hazlewood Act Exemption entitles eligible persons an exemption of tuition and specified fees of up to 150 semester credit hours at public institutions of higher education in Texas.

Hazlewood Exemption Student Checklist Image

Hazlewood Exemption Student Checklist, PDF Download

State of Texas Military-Affiliated Education Benefit type explanations:

Enrollment Certification Checklist

Review the following list of requirements for Enrollment Certification.
After registering for courses, enrollment must be certified.

Students will be able to register for courses after they have been admitted to the University. After you have registered, please submit all required paperwork for the enrollment certification process. Your enrollment will be certified by a *School Certifying Official, once all necessary documentation has been received. 

Military-Affiliated students must have met all requirements prior to transferring to Texas A&M University – Central Texas. Students need to apply online, submit all required transcripts, proof of residency documents, etc, prior to being admitted to TAMUCT.

Checklist for a Successful Certification

  • Turn in paperwork early!
  • Turn in all requested paperwork at one time.
  • Fill out the request forms completely. Incomplete paperwork will be rejected.
  • Let us know immediately of any schedule changes to reduce the likelihood of a debt.
  • Keep your contact information current; phone numbers and email addresses are the most common ways we will contact you.
  • Register for classes before turning in your request forms to our office.
  • TAMUCT Veterans Affairs staff CANNOT add or drop classes for you at any time. Adds, drops, and withdrawals from the university must be done through WarriorWeb or the Records office.

*Enrollment will not be certified by the VA (Veterans Affairs) Certifying Official until all necessary documentation has been received. Some students may use multiple benefits such as Chapter 35 and Hazelwood child or legacy Hazlewood benefits. These students will need to complete both federal and state requests for benefits as they are separate processes.

Request Certification

Through the The Ted and Dianne Connel Military and Veterans Service Center,
request VA Certification by a School Certifying Official.
Requests may be made online, by email or phone.

Request VA Certification Online
Phone: 254.519.5423


The Ted and Dianne Connel Military and Veterans Service Center
Office:  FH-221
Phone: 254-519-5423

