Curriculum and Instruction

Welcome to the Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Teacher Education
We offer undergraduate and graduate degrees that focus on preparing effective educators who leave prepared and ready to teach any child on day one. We are excited that you are considering completing your degree program here at Texas A&M University – Central Texas.

TEA Certificate of Commendation for Exemplary Performance in
Categories: Rigorous and Robust Preparation,
Principal Survey Performance.
Undergraduate Degrees
All undergraduate BS in Education degree programs lead to initial teacher certification in the following areas:
- EC-6: Generalist
- EC-12: Special Education
- 4-8 Mathematics
- 4-8 English Language Arts and Social Studies
We also have a secondary education, minor certification area for those who want to teach.
- 7-12 English, Mathematics, History
- EC-12 Music
Graduate Degrees
We offer two graduate programs. For those students who currently have a conferred bachelor’s degree and would like to become a teacher, we offer opportunities for initial certification through both the Alternative Certification Program and the MA in Teaching program. For those certified educators with at least a year of teaching experience, we offer the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction. This graduate program prepares educators to move into a different role such as a curriculum specialist or a reading specialist*.
*To be eligible for the professional certificate as a reading specialist, graduate students must have completed two years of creditable teaching.
The alternative teacher certification program (ACP) and the Master of Arts in Teaching program (MAT) both require 50 hours of field experience (beginning September 1, 2024) that must be completed in local school districts in Central Texas prior to Internship or Practicum.
Educator Preparation Program Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to provide a comprehensive reference guide to students seeking Texas teacher certification. The handbook outlines policies, procedures, and guidelines used by the Teacher Education Preparation Programs in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at Texas A&M University-Central Texas. It answers most of the questions asked by students regarding program admission, field experiences, certification testing, clinical teaching or internships, course requirements, and teacher certification.
Undergraduate Advisors:
Schedule an Undergraduate Advising Session
Graduate Advisors:
Schedule a Graduate Advising Session
Phone: 254.501.5946
Location: Warrior Hall 322
The mission of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction is to produce reflective professional educators who make effective educational decisions that support the creation of dynamic learning environments. Teacher Education, one of the major programs at the University, emphasizes broad general education as a foundation for mastery of teaching skills and specialized knowledge in academic discipline. The primary purpose of teacher education is to prepare highly qualified teachers for employment in Texas and the nation. The goal of the department is to develop teachers who:
- possess appropriate knowledge and abilities in specific content areas or teaching fields;
- communicate effectively with students, parents, and other professionals;
- apply the principles of instructional planning in the development of curriculum;
- use effective teaching practices;
- formally and informally evaluate student performance and use results of such assessment in the instructional decision-making process;
- promote critical thinking and participatory citizenship;
- are skilled in the use of instructional technology;
- are proficient in mathematical skills;
- operate within the legal guidelines and uphold the ethics of the teaching profession;
- demonstrate concern for students' general welfare; and
- are committed to continued professional growth and development.
The mission of the Graduate Program in Curriculum & Instruction is to provide a relevant, research-based curriculum that develops the capacity for leadership through mastery of knowledge, effective communication, collaboration, inquiry, and decision-making to ensure learner success. The Master of Education Degree in Curriculum and Instruction prepares students to identify, evaluate, and investigate best practice in the field of curriculum and instruction. The degree prepares educators who aspire to attain positions such as curriculum coordinator, academic department head, reading specialist, technology director, mentor teacher, community college faculty or clinical adjunct faculty in higher education. High school teachers who teach dual enrollment courses or advanced placement courses may also choose to pursue this degree.
Program Coordinators

- Chair, Professor
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Secondary Education Program Coordinator
- MAT/ACP Program Coordinator
- Email:
- Phone: 254.519.5491
- Room: WH-322J

- Associate Professor
- Curriculum and Instruction
- BS Ed Program Coordinator
- Email:
- Phone: 254.519.5797
- Room: WH-322R