Educator Preparation Services (EPS)

Welcome to Texas A&M University-Central Texas Educator Preparation Services (EPS). EPS assists undergraduate and graduate students from application through standard certification through the Texas Education Agency (TEA). This department guides the educator data portal, field-based experience, clinical experiences, practicums, testing, and certification.

Information about Military Service Waivers.

Educator Preparation Programs

Initial Teacher Steps to Certification and
Calendar of Program Activities

  1. Prior to Educator Preparation Program Admission
    1. Prerequisites - see catalog for specific program requirements
  2. Applications
    1. See university calendar for deadlines
    2. See application packet
      1. Application packet and the handbook contain information about background checks
  3. Program Requirements
    1. Certification Testing
    2. Program Curriculum
    3. 50 hours of interactive field-based experience
  4. Clinical Experience
    1. ACP/MAT - Internship or Clinical Teaching
    2. BSED - Enhanced Yearlong Residency
    3. Education Minor - Clinical Teaching
  5. Degree Conferral
  6. Certification
    1. Program Benchmarks
    2. Enhanced Residency - last days of school

1. Teacher Application Process

Link to the Teacher Application Process page.

2. Background Checks

Prior to clinical teaching and field-based experiences, students will undergo school district criminal history checks. Once you are assigned to your placement, check the EPS Canvas page for district-specific instructions. The state of Texas also requires a criminal background check before an individual can receive a Texas teacher certification. Information regarding requirements for certification may be found on the TEA website at:

Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 227.101c) states that a person who is enrolled or planning to enroll in a State Board of Educator Certification-approved educator preparation program or planning to take a certification examination may request a preliminary criminal history evaluation letter regarding the person’s potential ineligibility for certification due to a conviction or deferred adjudication for a felony or misdemeanor offense. For more information about the Preliminary Criminal History Evaluation, go to the link:

3. Program Curriculum

Educator Preparation Program candidates will follow their specific program’s requirements. More information can be found on their program overview website.

4. Testing

For study resources, please see our EPS Canvas Page.

Several tests are required for teacher certification in Texas. Check the TExES website for information about each of the required tests. All candidates are required to pass their content exam (Core Subject EC-6, ELAR 408, Music EC-12, Math 4-8, etc.). The following certification areas also require Science of Teaching Reading TExES: Core Subject EC-6, Core Subject 4-8, ELAR 4-8, and ELAR/SS 4-8. All teacher candidates will take Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities TExES during the Clinical Teaching / Internship courses. Other certification tests may also be required (Special Education) and optional, like English as a Second Language.

School Counselor also has a required TExES exam. Principal certification requires two assessments (Principal as Instructional Leader and Performance Assessment for School Leaders).

Testing Process Flow Chart - PDF Download

Testing Process Flow Chart

5. Clinical Placement Information

Application for Clinical Teaching is made while enrolled in Professional Development Block II, well in advance to enable the establishment of appropriate settings for each student.
Clinical Placement Forms* are due October 15 or March 15, one year prior to the semester in which the student plans to participate in clinical teaching. The EPS office assumes full responsibility for contacting the public schools regarding placement of clinical teachers.

6. Field Experience

Texas A&M University- Central Texas candidates participate in field experiences in local school districts each semester. Field experiences are connected to the concepts being taught in the Educator Preparation Program courses. These field experiences allow candidates an opportunity to work with groups of diverse students at several developmental levels.

Candidates must adhere to the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators and Texas A&M- Central Texas Code of Student Conduct at all times. Additionally, candidates must dress in accordance with the respective school district's dress code.

You will be with an assigned Cooperating Teacher or Mentor during these learning objective driven field experiences. See syllabi for specific instruction and experiences.

7. Certification Completion

Completion Checklist:

*see program-specific Benchmark Checklist

  • Documented field-based experience (observation logs)
  • Reflections of experience
  • Orientation
  • Completed Clinical Teaching or Internship requirements
  • Completion of TExES exams (This includes content, STR as appropriate, PPR)
  • Official Transcripts with conferred degree
  • Certification trainings
  • TEA Application and Fingerprinting (log into your TEAL Account)

Military Service Waivers

*In accordance with 19 TAC §228.35, military service members or military veterans may be given credit for certain verified military service, training, or education toward the training, education, work experience or related requirements (other than certification examinations) for educator certification requirements, provided that the military service, training, or education is directly related to the certificate being sought. Contact the education department for additional information.

Effective September 1, 2015, the TEA waives certain fees for eligible military service members, military veterans, and military spouses. For more information, please see the TEA website at:

Information regarding Military Service Members, Military Spouses, and Military Veterans may be found in the Texas Administrative Code 234.

In accordance with 19 TAC §228.35(a)(5)(B), those who are not military service member or military veterans may be able to substitute prior or ongoing service, training or education, provided that the experience, education or training is not also counted as pare to the internship, clinical teaching, or practicum requirements, and the aforementioned was provided by an approved EPP or an accredited institution of higher education within the last five years, and is directly related to the certificate being sought.