Social Sciences: Forensic Investigation

Forensic Investigation has become an extremely popular subject in the news, film, literature, and television. Forensic Investigation at TAMUCT is a minor providing students with a specialization relating to the delicate balance between science and crime investigation. The minor allows students in a wide range of disciplines to launch into coursework that examines the specialized scope of knowledge that is required in the detection, resolution, and prosecution of criminal activity.
Although the Forensic Investigation minor resides within Criminal Justice, it expands and draws upon other disciplines as academic offerings continue to develop.
To obtain a minor in Forensic Investigation, the student completes 18 hours from the following course offerings.
Upper Level Electives
- CRIJ 3311 Techniques of Interviewing
- CRIJ 3315 Criminal Evidence
- CRIJ 3353 Biological Aspects of Forensic Science
- CRIJ 4350 Advanced Investigation
- CRIJ 4351 Forensic Anthropology
- CRIJ 3352 Physical Aspects of Forensic Science
- ANTH 3340 Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 4330 Bioarcheology
- ANTH 4340 Human Osteology
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
3311 Techniques of Interviewing Study interview and interrogation techniques, including preparation, environmental and psychological factors, legal issues, and ethics.
3115 Criminal Evidence Analyze the procedures and rules of evidence applied to the acquisition, offering, admissibility, and presentation of evidence from the crime scene, courtroom, and appellate court perspectives.
3353 Biological Aspects of Forensic Science Examines various forensic biological sciences and their relation to crime scene investigation and the collection, preservation and identification of evidence. Introduces methods of laboratory analysis including forensic disciplines of pathology, anthropology, odontology, entomology, toxicology, serology, DNA, and blood pattern analysis. Materials fee $15.
4350 Advanced Investigation Explore advanced criminal and civil investigation, with an introduction to special investigative techniques. Emphasis on crime scene processing, crime scene analysis, forensic evaluations, investigative techniques, and investigative surveys.
4351 Forensic Anthropology Applies the science of physical anthropology to the legal investigative process. Identifies human remains, as well as age, sex, ancestry, and stature of those remains and how these are used to help establish positive identification. Special emphasis placed on skeletal trauma and pathology to determine cause and manner of death. Cross-listed with ANTH 4351; only one may be taken for credit. Material fee $15.
3352 Physical Aspects of Forensic Science Examines various forensic physical sciences and their relation to crime scene investigation and the collection, preservation and identification of evidence. Introduces methods of laboratory analysis of fingerprints, firearms, tool marks, and documents, and evaluates trace evidence, such as glass, soil, paint, hairs, and fibers. Materials fee $15.
3340 Biological Anthropology Examines the evolutionary processes acting on human populations, through an anthropological study of human biology. Introduces non-human primate anatomy, primate classification and ecology, and explores the primate paleontological record. Special emphasis placed on human variation and adaptation. Materials fee $15.
4330 Bioarcheology Study archaeology and physical anthropology with the use of evidence gleaned from human skeletal remains. Focuses on the role of the human skeleton in reconstructing both the biological and cultural past of the human species.
4340 Human Osteology Examines the human skeleton as the foundation for biological anthropological study. Introduces concepts and methods used by anthropologists to identify, describe, and analyze human skeletal remains from forensic and archaeological contexts. Materials fee $15.