Social Sciences: Homeland Security

Homeland Security is the study of US efforts to prevent terrorist attacks and to reduce damages that may result from such attacks. A number of government agencies and organizations coordinate efforts in accomplishing these tasks. The academic study of Homeland Security draws on a number of disciplines at TAMUCT, including computer information systems, criminal justice, management, political science, and religious studies.
To obtain a minor in Homeland Security, the student completes 18 hours of instruction from the following courses.
Upper Level Electives
- CRIJ 3340 Homeland Security
- CRIJ 3310 Criminal Justice Supervision and Management
- CRIJ 3311 Techniques of Interviewing
- CRIJ 3320 Policing
- CRIJ 4312 Criminal Justice Ethics
- CRIJ 4350 Advanced Investigation
- MGMT 4360 3361 Emergency Management
- POLI 3320 Terrorism and Political Violence
or POLI 4320 Weapons of Mass Destruction - 4320 Religious Terrorism
Criminal Justice
Political Science
Religious Studies
Criminal Justice
3340 Homeland Security Study the strategic, legal, policy, operational, and organizational issues associated with the defense of the U.S. homeland from foreign and domestic terrorist threats. Examine the psychology of mass movements, terrorists' ideology, religion and terror, legal issues in homeland security, weapons of mass destruction, effective interfacing between local, state, and federal agencies, emergency management operations, and dealing with mass casualties.
3310 Criminal Justice Supervision and Management Study theories and principles of supervision as applied to criminal justice agencies including organization, leadership, motivation, human resources flow, and managerial ethics. Prerequisite(s): Junior classification or permission of instructor.
3311 Techniques of Interviewing Study interview and interrogation techniques, including preparation, environmental and psychological factors, legal issues, and ethics.
3320 Policing Examine law enforcement, and the role of police in communities and society. Learn to critically evaluate policing as a profession. Special emphasis on dispelling myths and providing tools needed to reach conclusions based upon the available research in the field of police work.
4312 Criminal Justice Ethics (WI) Analyze contemporary ethical issues in crime and justice. Classical and contemporary ethical theories are applied to the discussion of such issues as discretion, corruption, use of force, racism, deception, professionalism, and the nature and meaning of justice.
4350 Advanced Investigation Explore advanced criminal and civil investigation, with an introduction to special investigative techniques. Emphasis on crime scene processing, crime scene analysis, forensic evaluations, investigative techniques, and investigative surveys.
Computer Information Systems
3361 Introduction to Computer Forensics The course focuses on clear and authoritative instructions about the field of computer forensics as it applies to the investigative process; from the collection of digital evidence to the presentation of Computer Forensic Examination findings in a court of law. Upon successful completion of the course, students will have a basic understanding of the computer forensic process, the scientific procedure involved in accounting, law enforcement, and computer sciences. Topics also include the science of computer forensics and how it relates to and is utilized within the judicial system of the United States.
4342 Computer Security Principles and Practices Explore current principles, theories, and concepts behind computer security. Examine basic methods and practices of security as it affects modern business operations. Special emphasis on cryptography, authentication, access control, database security, malware, intrusion detection, firewalls, security policy and management, software and operating system security, auditing and legal aspects of cyber security. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours of CIS courses or permission of department chair.
4360 Emergency Management Learn theories, principles and approaches to emergency management. Study the Philosophy of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) with its four phases of preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. Analyze past disasters presented along with their attendant policy formations leading to the FEMA all hazards approach.
4360 Emergency Management. This course presents the theories, principles, and approaches to emergency management. The Philosophy of Comprehensive Emergency Management (CEM) is discussed with its four phases of preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery. An analysis of past disasters is presented along with their attendant policy formations leading to the FEMA all hazards approach.
Political Science
3320 Terrorism and Political Violence. Examine the causes of terrorism and other forms of political violence, with special emphasis on measures of prevention and counter-terrorism.
or 4320 Weapons of Mass Destruction Examine the physical and political effects of chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, with emphasis on issues of deterrence and arms control.
Religious Studies
4320 Religious Terrorism. Examine the religious motivations, support, and tactics behind the phenomena of domestic and foreign terrorism. Prerequisite(s): None.