Building Access

Key Control and Warrior Access Card (WAC) Regulations

Building Access and Key Control Services is a part of the Department of Public Safety at Texas A&M University-Central Texas (TAMUCT). All Keys are state property and should be protected with the same consideration. The TAMUCT key system must be protected as any other expensive state property. Stringent key control accomplishes this. Careful consideration should be given to every key requested. Our goal is to establish a secure campus environment and ensure accountability for access to any building, room, or facility. In order to better serve you, we invite you to come by and offer suggestions or comments on building access at TAMUCT.

Building Access Forms

Students/Faculty/Staff can pick up keys or a Warrior Access Card at the Welcome Center from the University Police Department during regular hours (8:00am to 5:00pm). Incomplete forms or forms with errors or mistakes will not be accepted. If you just need to add new rooms to your existing access, you must still include the rooms you currently have access to. We will only grant access to the rooms that are listed on the most recent form submitted. All forms must be prepared by the person requesting access. The address and phone number listed on the form needs to be a personal address and phone number, not the University's. Please ensure that the email for supervisors are typed correctly or the form will not route correctly. All questions should be directed to (254) 501- 5805.


  • Never loan cards from one person to another.
  • Never prop doors open.
  • Never admit unauthorized person(s) into buildings.
  • Never should you be in possession of an unauthorized Access Card.
  • You must return your Warrior Access Card or Keys when requested by Campus Police.
  • You must show an ID when requested by TAMUCT personnel acting in official capacity.
  • You must only enter areas that you are authorized.

Emergency Access

Generally speaking, access into locked areas on campus must be authorized by the person in control of the area in question. University Police will not allow persons access without the permission of the person in charge of the area.

In case of emergencies (e.g. urgent maintenance, fire, etc.), the University Police Department and Facilities Management may need to enter a secured campus facility. Once the emergency is addressed, every reasonable effort will be made to contact the individual responsible for the area entered so as to advise him/her of the need to access their facility.

University Police will email each department head or his/her designee once a year to request updated information relative to emergency contact information should University Police need to contact someone in a specific department. Department heads are strongly encouraged to provide the University Police Department with emergency notification information and to regularly update the information on file in the event contact needs to be made during emergencies. Notification will be made to the department head or other person whose name is on file as an emergency contact for the department when emergency access to an area is required.

Access Information

A key request form is required prior to issuance.

Key request form MUST have original signatures.

Only error free forms will be accepted.

Keys and Warrior Access Cards may picked up at the Welcome Center during regular business hours.

Please call 254.501.5805 for emergency access or questions.