Complete your degree in Music!
The Music Degree Program provides a full music experience for incoming music students working to complete their degree in Music. In partnership with Temple College, music faculty, offices and classrooms are located in the Mary Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center at Temple College in Temple. The Mary Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center facility features a 1003-seat auditorium, the 99-seat, Jackson-Graeter Backstage Theatre and recital hall, with rehearsal halls and practice rooms. Music Faculty
Performance and Music Ensemble Opportunities:
Music Degrees
- Bachelor of Music, Instrumental Concentration
- Bachelor of Music, Vocal Concentration
- Bachelor of Music, Instrumental, Education Minor
- Bachelor of Music, Vocal, Education Minor

Music Faculty
Dr. Glen Brumbach is the Lead Faculty Advisor.
For more information about the A&M-Central Texas music program, contact Glen Brumbach.
Music classrooms and faculty offices are located in the Mary Alice Marshall Performing Arts Center (PAC facilities) at Temple College,
2487-2567 S. 5th St, Temple, TX 76504
- Dr. Sara Harris Baker
- Director, Chorale, Entrepreneurship
- Email:
- Norm Bergeron
- Director, Percussion Ensemble, Percussion Studies, Percussion Pedagogy, Technology Application Music (electronic music), Topics in Ethnomusicology
- Email:
- Dr. Glen Brumbach, Lead Faculty Advisor
- Director, Symphonic Band, Brass Methods, Applied Trumpet, Music History,
Band Repertoire, Conducting
- Director, Symphonic Band, Brass Methods, Applied Trumpet, Music History,
Band Repertoire, Conducting
- Dr. Alex Corbett
- Director, Orchestra, Orchestral Studies, Applied Violin, Applied Viola, Music History, String Methods
- Email:
- Dr. Benjamin Irom
- Director, Jazz Studies, Jazz Piano, Form and Analysis, Orchestration
- Email:
- Teri Johnson
- Director, Opera Workshop and applied Vocal Studies
- Email:
- Dr. Colin Mason
- Director, Jazz Ensemble, Saxophone Ensemble, Applied Saxophone
- Email:
Jazz Ensemble
Dr. Benjamin Irom, Director of Jazz Studies, Jazz Piano
Dr. Colin Mason, Director, Jazz Ensemble and Sax Ensemble
The Jazz Ensemble is a twenty-piece "big band" comprised of traditional college students and community members. The group performs 2-4 concerts per year and performs in local/regional venues, high schools, and jazz festivals. Performing a wide variety of literature from traditional to contemporary, the ensemble gives one the opportunity to work on developing their skills in the jazz style and challenges the student rhythmically, technically, and harmonically.
Each spring music students at Temple College and
A&M Central Texas participate in the
Temple College Jazz Festival.
Audition-based select group.

Percussion Ensemble
Norm Bergeron Director, Percussion Ensemble
and Percussion Studies.
The percussion ensemble performs a wide variety of literature from the music of the African Diaspora to contemporary compositions and arrangements. Instrumentation is varied and ranges from marimba duets to full pop percussion ensemble to ragtime xylophone quartets to Ghanain Ewe drumming ensemble, to Brazilian Batucada and Afro-Cuban Rumba. The group performs 2-4 concerts per year. Percussion students have access to a dedicated percussion studio for private practice, rehearsing, and percussion instrument storage in addition to dedicated marimba practice spaces.
Audition-based select group.

Take Note: "Music Entrepreneurship"
—Prepare for a career in music as a self-employed musician.
Music Entrepreneurship: Bachelor of Music students have the option of taking a course in Music Entrepreneurship. This course helps students with the business aspect of being a self-employed musician. Topics include branding, marketing, networking, taxes, funding sources, web sites, and business plans for musicians.
*A&M Central Texas also offers a Degree in Business. Read More

Guitar Studies
Dan Andersen teaches applied guitar, contemporary jazz/rock/blues guitar, and classical guitar. The guitar program is open to students who aspire to be professional performers, singer-songwriters, accompanists, music educators, and graduate students as well as recreational musicians. There are opportunities to play with the Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Combos, and collaborate with other ensembles.
For more information contact Dr. Colin Mason. Email:

Keyboard Studies
Dr. Kate Bae, Applied Piano, Chamber Music, Piano Class, Piano Pedagogy, and Collaborative Piano
Dr. Benjamin Irom, Director of Jazz Studies, Jazz Piano, Form and Analysis, Orchestration
Opportunities are available for students to play in Chamber Music Ensembles, play with the Jazz Ensemble and perform concerto literature with the Temple College Orchestra.

Vocal Studies
Teri Johnson, Director, Opera Workshop, teaches Applied Voice, Vocal Pedagogy, Foreign Language Diction for Singers and Vocal Literature. If a student is aspiring to become a K-12 choral director and pursue music education then the Mus. Ed degree intensive is recommended with teaching certification at the end of the Senior year. For students interested in pursuing vocal performance in opera or musical theatre then the performance degree is recommended. Weekly lessons include covering repertoire across multiple time periods, languages, and styles in preparation for the Junior or Senior recital.

Opera Workshop
Opera Workshop takes place each fall semester. Performances take place in the Jackson-Graeter Backstage Theatre. Performance opportunities are available through the college in both opera workshop and at least one musical production a year. There are also opportunities for music and stage directing experience.
Opera Workshop is an audition-based select group.

Chorale Director: Dr. Sara Harris Baker
Chorale is a premiere, auditioned choral ensemble made up of Temple College, A&M Central Texas students and community members. Chorale frequently collaborates with Temple Symphony Orchestra as part of the Temple Symphony Chorus.
Chorale meets weekly, one evening rehearsal each week, during spring and fall semesters.
Auditions for Chorale contact Dr. Sara Baker.

Orchestra Director: Dr. Alexander Corbett
The orchestra is a full symphony ensemble consisting of A&M Central Texas students, Temple College students, and community members. It rehearses once weekly and performs twice during the academic year. Players receive a diverse ensemble experience through the preparation of core orchestral masterworks, cutting-edge new music, and regular concerto collaborations featuring guest soloists from the faculty, community, and student body.
Dr. Corbett, coordinates applied studies for strings:
- Violin, Viola
- Cello
- Double Bass
Auditions for Orchestra, contact Dr. Alex Corbett.

Symphonic Band
Symphonic Band Director: Dr. Glen Brumbach
Symphonic Band meets weekly, one evening rehearsal each week, during spring and fall semesters. Performances are 2-4 times a year.
For more information email Dr. Glen Brumbach:
- Brass - Dr. Glen Brumbach
- Woodwinds - Dr. Colin Mason
- Percussion - Norman Bergeron
Auditions for Symphonic Band, contact Dr.Glen Brumbach.